Emergency Drill Logs | CCALE
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Emergency Drill Logs

Emergency Drill Log


School Safety Legislation - Public Act 12

The State of Michigan has enacted new legislation regarding how public schools report safety drills to the public. Schools are now required to run:

Fire Drills - A minimum of 5 fire drills are required each school year. Three (3) of the drills need to be held before December 1 and two (2) during the remainder of the school year.

Tornado/Severe Weather Drills - A minimum of two (2) tornado safety drills are required for each school year with one (1) conducted during March.

Lockdown Drills - A minimum of three (3) drills in which occupants are restricted to the interior of the building and the building is secure. One (1) of these drills needs to be conducted prior to December 1 and one (1) conducted after January 1. At least one (1) drill needs to be scheduled during lunch, recess or at another time when a significant number of the students are gathered not in a classroom.

A record of emergency drills logs at Cesar Chavez Academy is provided below.

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